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Minutes of September 17, 2003

Minutes of a Meeting of the Planning Board held on Wednesday, September 17, 2003, at 8:00 p.m., at the Town Offices.

                PRESENT: JOEL TRAN, CHAIR
                                SAMUEL SOLOMON, VICE CHAIR
                                GINA MANISCALCO, CLERK
                                PETER O’CAIN, ASST. TOWN ENGINEER


I.      Meeting called to order.  The Minutes of the following meetings were reviewed and accepted with corrections:  June 25, July 9, July 23 and September 10.


48 East Chestnut Street – this was one application for three different signs.  Mr. Solomon moved to not approve this application as it was not clear what the applicant was doing regarding size, color or number of signs, since no detailed information was provided.  Seconded by Ms. Maniscalco and unanimously voted.

                                                                 Administrative Assistant
Minutes of Meeting                              Page Two                     September 17, 2003


Ms. Maniscalco read the legal notice to open the public hearing.  Mr. Tran explained the procedures to be followed for the public hearing.  

Mr. Paul Brodmerkle, engineer for the applicants, gave a short presentation.  
·       He explained that this parcel was comprised of two separate parcels.  One contained the current residence of the applicants.  There was a rear parcel comprised of 4.3 acres that was being subdivided into two new lots.  
·       Each new lot had approximately 73,300 square feet to be able to accommodate a four bedroom home.
·       A new road was to be built.
·       Access to the subdivision would be off Pine Grove Avenue.
·       The compliance plan showed that the applicant was able to comply with all requirements of the Rules & Regulations.
·       The road showed a 1% grade with two catchbasins.  The runoff would then be directed into a detention basin keeping all the water on the site.
·       The applicant would be requesting approval of the waiver plan instead of the compliance plan which would request a smaller street, which would be 14’ in size instead of the required 22’; a hammerhead would be built at the end of the street instead of a cul-de-sac; other waivers would be requested in order to build the smaller street, such as no sidewalks, lights, etc.
·       The street will remain a private way unless some time in the future it is brought up to subdivision standards.

Mr. Brodmerkle indicated that he had received Mr. O’Cain’s memorandum indicating what items were missing from the plans.  While he did not disagree with Mr. O’Cain’s list, he did say he would prefer not to have to do some of them because it was a small subdivision.   One of the things he would ask to have waived is to have to provide an entire separate sheet showing the tree plan.  The road is too small to warrant devoting an entire sheet to
Minutes of Meeting                              Page Three                  September 17, 2003

this.  Mr. Tran explained that any new requests for waivers have to be put in writing in a letter to the Board.

Mr. Tran then opened the meeting to questions from the abutters.
Mr. Kaplan, 26 Pine Grove Road.  Was concerned about the slope of the property.  Would it be level or would it slope down towards his home?  Mr. Brodmerkle answered that the grading would be finished so that the flow of the runoff would go from the front of the property to the rear to the basin.

Other concerns raised involved questions about tree removal and replacement, what the 100 year storm was, whether there would be standing water in the detention basin, etc., which either Mr. Brodmerkle or Mr. O’Cain answered.

There being no further questions, Mr. Solomon moved to close the public hearing, seconded by Ms. Maniscalco and unanimously voted.

Mr. Solomon further explained to those in attendance that the Board will usually consider the waiver plan in this type of situation as there are only two new homes being proposed.  He said that he personally had a concern about there not being a street light at the entrance to the subdivision.  He also wasn’t sure about the request to waive trees – they may be needed to provide more of a buffer to the existing homes in the area.  

In answer to this, one of the abutters indicated she would prefer not to have a light at the entrance to the street as there already is one nearby across the street.

Mr. Tran explained that the purpose of the public hearing is to gather comments from the residents in the area, as they often times have information the Board does not.  The Board will now review this further with the Town Engineer and will be making a decision in the near future.  If anyone had any other comments or concerns, Mr. Tran invited them in to another meeting or asked that they send a letter to the Board.  

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·       Mr. Tran said that he had spoken with Mr. Cumming of Old Post Road about the possible rezoning of that area.  Mr. Cumming indicated that he is moving from the area and therefore, would not be opposed to any rezoning changes.

IV.     There being no further business before the Board, the meeting was adjourned at 10:30 p.m.